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Eyes Of Compassion

Eyes Of Compassion

By Our Daily Bread

A certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. —Luke 10:33

As Francisco Venegas, a school custodian in Colorado, watched the children on the playground, he saw a 9-year-old girl fall off a bench for no apparent reason. Another time he noticed her face twisted in a strange expression. Sensing that something was wrong, Francisco reported what he had seen to the school office.
A few days later, the girl had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. The information that Francisco provided led doctors to perform a brain scan, and they found a tumor. Successful surgery and recovery followed.
Many people have called Francisco Venegas a “good samaritan,” a name drawn from a story Jesus told about three people who saw a man in need. The first two “passed by on the other side” (Luke 10:31-32). But the third, a Samaritan, showed compassion (vv.33-35).
Compassion cannot see someone in need without helping. It accepts the consequences of getting involved because it cannot bear to turn away. Compassion comes from a heart that is tender toward God and fellow travelers on the road of life.
Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan ends with a command for each of us: “Go and do likewise” (v.37). Jesus sees everyone through eyes of compassion, and He calls us to do the same.
When you see someone in need,
Love demands a loving deed;
Don't just say you love him true,
Prove it by the deeds you do. —Sper
Compassion is love in action.


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